Monday 26 May 2014

The story so far...

Its been six months since I wrote, and indeed its been six months since I've had time to write.  All the self examination of the last ten months has culminated in taking action.  Action that has created chaos, but is also the turning point I needed.

In January this year I made the difficult to decision to leave my husband and my family home.  The difficulty was perhaps not so much in the deciding to do it, but in actually taking action.  And the difficulty was the emotional havoc I would wreak on someone who had not made the same shifts I had.  It was not until February that I revealed to my husband that I had been seeing someone else, and that someone else was a woman.  At around the same time, she left a long term relationship, and we made the decision to stay together and move forward together.

In this time, I have learned a huge amount.  About myself, about our culture and our norms, about love and sexuality, about friendship and family, about power and values systems.  Throw into this mix that I have also become a full time student of the social sciences, you could say I am on the most incredible journey of self discovery.

So that is the story so far.  Amid all the learning I have done I have found that our lives are full of surprises - unwritten rules that must not be broken, written rules that people break all the time, labels, categories, boxes and behaviour we assign to all of them.

There is plenty to be said about that - and in time I will be one of the ones to say it.

Watch this space.

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